Lighthouse-Lab Kongress 2023
4.-8. Mai 2023 | #neuessowas
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Ann Linnea & Christina Baldwin
„At a top level it is collaboration, at a deep level it is communion.“
Ann Linnea is a writer and educator with decades of experience serving the art of dialogue in a fascinating range of settings. Whether guiding a wilderness quest or presenting a workshop to business leaders, Ann embodies the stewardship of wild things which has characterized her life and work. In 2010 she co-authored The Circle Way: A Leader in Every Chair with Christina Baldwin as a legacy contribution to two decades of pioneering circle work. Christina Baldwin is a writer and seminar presenter of 30+ years experience. She has contributed two classic books to the renaissance of personal writing, including the well-known Life’s Companion, Journal Writing as a Spiritual Practice, revised and reissued in 2007 after 100,000 original sales. Christina and Ann Linnea wrote a new classic, The Circle Way, A Leader in Every Chair, which documents applications of PeerSpirit Circle Process as a foundational tool for local to global change.
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